
Legendary by Stephanie Garber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Legendary is Donatella’s POV and I’m glad we finally were able to go more in depth in her character and recognize her as a strong FMC. Caraval was solely based around Scarlett but being able to get Tella’s side of things and seeing how quick witted, sarcastic and strong she really is just made me love her.

I absolutely loved how so much came together in this book and I thought the first book was great this was AMAZING! the twists and turns, the universe that is filled with so much magic and Legends REVEAL?!? Wow it was just event after event trying to figure it out.

Is it really a game? Or is everything real this time?

I’m not going to lie I thought Tella was very annoying at some parts in the first book but here! You just get a better understanding of her and her character development was just too good. Oh and yes I LOVE Dante because wow that man… I want some of him and the banter between Tella and him was more than I expected I loved it!

Still so many questions.. especially about Jacks.. but I can’t wait to get into Finale, I’m not ready to leave this beautiful magical world yet but I’m definitely enjoying the ride.


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