Say You Swear

Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I'm going to be honest once I saw the love triangle it put me off, I despise love triangles because in one way or another I end up rooting for both boys somehow someway but in this case it was easy. After I pushed myself to read through, I was so grateful I did because this easily ended up being one of those books that I will carry with me in my heart. Noah Riley is the damn standard he just put the bar so high that I do not think anyone will reach it now, Ari is one lucky girl.

There is so much drama and so many feelings to unpack when it comes to Ari and her brother Mason, I loved how protective he was of her to an extent, but they really loved each other so much. I also loved the boys group dynamic; Chase was annoying at times because he didn't know how to speak on his feeling but BRADY god, I love him lol he made the book that much better. I think this is just something that I love in books that the friendships feel so real that they radiate throughout the entire story. Cameron is Ari's best friend, and you see how they really navigate life together and still maintain these lifelong child relationships while also trying to have a love life.

I would highly recommend this book; Meagan Brandy's was amazing, and she knows it. By the time I finished, she knew what she did to me. She destroyed me and put me back together again in 538 pages. There was sadness, anguish, devastation, and love and I just know there are other people who would love Ari and Noah's story as much as I did.

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