Better than the Movies

Better than the Movies by Lynn Painter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a lovely read; I loved all of the rom-com elements in the book, as well as the small lines from famous movies. I loved how authentic all of the thoughts and sentiments were, from the scenes to the people. Elizabeth was a hopeless romantic who believed in love and its ability to overcome all, kind of like I do but she has struggled with senior year events and trying to cope with graduation while trying remain herself and move on at the same time.

Michael Young, her long-time obsession, and the only way to reach him is through her lifelong neighbor Wes Bennett, who is charming, lovely, and all an American dreamboat. She makes a deal with him that they will start fake dating so she can get Michael's attention to ask her to prom and eventually end up together. You don't know what you've got until it'snot yours and I believe it perfectly captures the essence of this narrative. Elizabeth was so engrossed in romance movies that she made herself feel like the main character in her own life, and things take a turn when all of reality of senior year ending hits her.

There were so many sweet parts, I'll never get over it, from the party scene with her sweatpants to driving her to the hospital while on the phone with her, the vehicle scene, and the final scene, which was literally chef's kiss. I loved everything about these two, and I am so anxious for the sequel, despite the fact that the synopsis makes me fear what's to come, but I'm hopeful it will be the greatest damn romance in the end. The characters had terrific banter, even the side ones, and I loved seeing Liz and her stepmother's connection evolve at the end. I adore the playlist, and I believe it's something unique that I've learned to like in novels.


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